Evercade C64 Collection 2 Games on The C64 Mini Commodore 64

Evercade C64 Collection 2 Games on The C64 Mini Commodore 64

The Evercade line of consoles includes the original Evercade handheld, the recently launched Evercade EXP handheld and the home console version the Evercade VS. All of them use the same cartridges as each other which means that you can buy one cartridge and use it across any of the machines to continue your progress and fit your play style – either on the TV or on the go.

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Up until mid 2022 the carts released for the Evercade only featured collections of games designed for home consoles, but all that changed with the release of the C64 Collection 1 cart which featured 14 games from the Commodore 64.

In this video we deep dive into a bunch of the games that are included on the second C64 Collection that releases in April 2023. You see, many of the games are already available, and I don’t mean by using emulators or digging out the old cassette player and original Commodore 64 from the loft!

In 2017 Retro Games LTD released the C64 Mini which initially launched with 64 games in the mini console. Thanks to the ability to update the system there’s now even a few extra games on there. The games on the mini console include several games that have also been included in the two C64 Collections on Evercade and in this video I look at all the games that will be on the Evercade C64 Collection 2 cart.

The games covered are:

California Games



Impossible Mission II


Pitstop II


World Games

The games that are part of the C64 Collection 2 cart that are not pre-loaded onto the C64 Mini are as follows:

Sword of Fargoal



Street Sports Basketball

Insects in Space

Mission Impossibubble

Check out the video, and I’m very much looking forward to bringing you a full review of the C64 Collection 2 for Evercade in the near future. The C64 is an interesting machine as so many of the games feel dated by today’s standards. Not just in graphics, but also in gameplay and that there mostly aren’t tutorials to much in way of clues for players to know what to do or much opportunity to learn the controls.

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