Tips For Starting A Travel Vlog On YouTube

Tips For Starting A Travel Vlog On YouTube

Start your vlogging journey on the right track!

You love to travel and create brilliant memories that will last for the rest of your life. Why not capture these memories on film and share them with the world via YouTube? Travel vlogging is not only a great way to relive your own vacations, but it’s also a great way to inspire others who watch your videos and then decide to visit destinations you love!

It’s a dream activity for many and a dream job as well. Imagine if going on holiday was actually helping you pay the bills as well as giving you a much needed break from the ‘regular job’. There are people out there who create travel videos and vlogs as their full time occupation, and whilst this may feel a unobtainable dream it is certainly a dream worth pursuing! Because let’s face it – if you’re going on vacation anyway, you may as well record some footage and see if it takes off! Because even if it doesn’t, you’ve still captured some incredible memories form your vacation and that can only be a good thing!

I created the Jet Lagged and Loving It series with my girlfriend Rachel Jayne, which is available to watch on YouTube on the Extreme Improv XStreamed channel here and literally on our first trip abroad I just decided to start filming the things I thought were fun or interesting. I wasn’t sure how I’d use the footage, but before I knew it I had hours of footage which I’ve used to create dozens of episodes which last 10-20 minutes each.

There’s been lots of things I’ve learned along the way, and in this article I’ll go over some of the tips which I’ve figured out which will hopefully be useful for you when you start creating your own travel vlog series!