Is It Possible to Beat Street Fighter 2 without Using Diagonals?

Is It Possible to Beat Street Fighter 2 without Using Diagonals?

Is it possible to beat the classic arcade fighting game Street Fighter 2 without using diagonal joystick inputs whilst playing?

Apparently so!

In the video posted below from the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel, I’ll be showing you an edited version of how I beat Street Fighter 2 Special Champion Edition without being able to use diagonals on the control stick. Weird challenge I know!

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I recently made a video about the MSI released Plug and Play of Street Fighter 2, and it came brand new out of the box with a joystick that was fixed so you couldn’t jump diagonally, or pull off many of the special moves in the game.

Lots of people who viewed the video reached out and said they wanted to see a longer video like a lets play of me beating the game this way. So that’s what this video is.

As a note about the video, I’ve edited a few rounds where I lose out of the footage, but if there’s great demand maybe one day, I’ll share the whole unedited version. These rounds are mostly me just trying to figure out the controls for a new character or struggling to dodge fireballs.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy, and don’t forget to check out all of the other videos on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel including my series on the weird Street Fighter games which is why I played the plug and play game in the first place!

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