Capcom held their Capcom Spotlight online event today which is basically like a Nintendo direct, but for Capcom games. There was lots of announcements and cool things shown off, but the main thing was that they announced that a demo of Resident Evil 4 would be available today! Immediately after the showcase ended.
Having played through it a couple of times I captured footage and have put together this analysis video where I go through all of my major observations about what the demo had to offer. The demo is from the opening few minutes of the game and covers locations and enemies which are very similar to the original version of Resident Evil 4 that people will have played when it was first released on the Nintendo GameCube in 2005.

Do check out the video for the deepdive, but as you’ll see the game doesn’t stray too far away from the original with much of it being all present and correct. There are updated modern style controls and a new lick of paint, but there’s no major twists to the story shown in the Chainsaw Demo. We’ll be sure to have the full review of the game for when it releases in late March.
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