New Extreme Improv Show: Neocortex

New Extreme Improv Show: Neocortex

Last Friday saw the first edition of Extreme Improv Neocortex, a brand new long form online improv show where performers create a full length improv play based around the concept of creating a world that has a difference to our own.

Each episode will be an original story in the vein of the Twilight Zone or the Outer Limits and based on audience suggestions.

In this debut episode we explored a world where both children and adults of all ages would be in the same educational years as education was based on ability. This could mean that children are teachers and old people students.

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New episodes of Extreme Improv Neocortex will debut every second week alternating with Extreme Improv Revenge on a Friday at 8pm UK time. You can see new episodes on the Extreme Improv XStreamed YouTube Channel.