Fixing the Tiger 90s Handheld Console to play Resident Evil 2 and Sonic Jam

Fixing the Tiger 90s Handheld Console to play Resident Evil 2 and Sonic Jam

Some of you will have heard of the Tiger but few of you will have had the opportunity to play it. In my growing quest to play every games console ever created I was lucky in that I had the Tiger back in the 90s when the console was actually a thing.

Unfortunately upon getting mine out of storage I found that the console that would once upon a time be a rival to the Nintendo Game Boy wouldn’t switch on!

So, I set out to try to put right this wrong and filmed the process. If you have a Tiger you can’t get to work it may be worth checking out my YouTube video on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel to see how I got on with my attempt to identify the issue and see if I can repair it.

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The was home to a small but impressive list of games such as Resident Evil, Sonic the Hedgehog, Mortal Kombat, Duke Nukem, Batman, Jurassic Park and more.

If you’re a fan of the and other retro handhelds and consoles please support my channel as I have lots more retro gaming content on there with lots more on the way!

You can get loads more Gaming articles in the Gaming section of the site, and don’t forget to check out all our gaming videos on the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube Channel and the Geek Battle comedy panel show on the Extreme Improv XStreamed YouTube Channel