Here you will find information and ticket links to all the workshops that will take place as part of the Extreme Improv Xstreamed World Championship Festival 2021.
All workshops will take place over Zoom. Please insure that you have access to a computer or smart device that you can access Zoom on.
FREE Character Creation with Bob Bedore
Bob Bedore has been performing improv with his troupe, Quick Wits, nearly every weekend for the last 28 years. In that time he has done close to 4,000 shows. He is also an actor, stand-up comedian, writer, host, and anything else he can get his hands on. Bob has written two improv books and his first has remained in the top 1% of all books sold on Amazon for over 16 years. He loves games of sorts, sports, movies, and being a dad.
Instant Character Creation – Using the Laban Movement Method that is primarily used in dance, Bob Bedore will teach you how to create characters simply by choosing one of eight simple words. This class is great for any actor looking to give depth to their characters (even instant/throw away improv characters), as well as writers looking to find ways to bring different voices to their creations.
Bob Bedore leads this free 90 minute workshop in character creation for the Extreme Improv Xstreamed World Championship Festival 2021
This workshop is part of the Extreme Improv XStreamed World Championship Festival 2021, and there are many more workshops and events taking place in the festival. For full details and schedule of the festival please check out
No Puppet? No Problem! with Brenna Judkins
Making puppets from houshold, recycled, upcycled items. Introducing and demonstrating the crafting of several puppet types, easy to make and use. Puppets will then be used to play some improv games and scenes. No puppet or improv experience required.
This will be a 2 hour workshop.

Scene Above Self, Being a Good Scene Partner with Rob Kirby
Yes and…now what? We will play games and discuss what it means, and how to be, a good scene partner no matter the level of talent or experience of yourself, or of the people you are performing with.
Rob is a seasoned and passionate improv performer with many years of experience performing in a multitude of troupes with a range of people who have reached the pinnacle of the profession to those just starting out.
All experience levels welcome.
If you are on a low income and would like to apply for a free place on the course please email for information and give some details of why a free place would suit your circumstances.
Creating Virtual Theatre with David Pustansky
Do you want to create your own Virtual Theatre shows online? How about stream a live Podcast? Or perhaps you want to stream video games on Twitch, but include yourself and other players to give commentary and reactions live? Any and all of these use many of the same techniques, and empower theatre makers and content creators to produce shows easier than any time before in history.
In this workshop, Extreme Improv creator David Pustansky will take students through the process of creating virtual theatre shows and cover many of the technical aspects of creating Virtual Theatre shows, and how these can be combined with performing and directing to produce advanced Virtual Theatre Shows.
The workshop will cover the various platforms that Virtual Theatre can be produced on, and some of the unique features of each platform. It will also cover what options are available for people of all technical levels and what equipment and software will help you make the most of every budget range.
Beyond just the technical side of things, David will cover considerations for directors and performers, and how you can get the most out of working with the technology and make it work to your strengths.
Technology is continually evolving, and whilst we may have discovered virtual improv and virtual theatre as a result of the pandemic, this new form of performance allows creators to produce shows with many benefits over creating traditional film or theatre.
Virtual theatre is more cost effective as shows can be produced at a fraction of the cost of a live show. This also means that creators can take many more risks and be experimental with formats. You can also work with and collaborate with performers from around the world in a way which has never been available before, and you can also reach a worldwide audience.
Virtual Theatre cannot fully replace a live theatre experience, but it can sit along side it and compliment your live shows to help build and grow a following.
David Pustansky is the creator of Extreme Improv, and is perhaps the most prolific individual producer of virtual improv shows in the world. Since March 2020 David has produced over 400 live Virtual Theatre shows including the weekly shows Extreme Improv XStreamed, Revenge of the Ripper, Geek Battle, Jesters Jam, Slam Jam Wrestling Show, and two global virtual festivals.
David is offering 4 scholarship places and reduced rates on this workshop for people that feel that they would benefit from it, for example to support diversity or to support people on low incomes. If you would like to apply for a scholarship or reduced rate place please email for information.
This workshop is part of the Extreme Improv XStreamed World Championship Festival 2021, and there are many more workshops and events taking place in the festival. For full details and schedule of the festival please check out
Secrets & Lies with Karla Dingle
Secrets & Lies – Sometimes what’s NOT said is more powerful than what IS said.
In this workshop, improvisers will explore AND exploit the unknown or unsaid as their characters navigate through scenes. Discover how secrets and lies add depth and definition to scene work. Create strong dynamics through working to keep the secrets and lies unsaid.
Bio: Karla Dingle has spent her life on the stage. She began taking theater classes at age 5 and continued to study acting until receiving her Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Georgia in Theater in 1998. Karla began performing improv in Charlotte in 2009 and continues to educate herself through workshops and classes at Second City, Hoopla, The Groundlings and more. Karla is also an actor and voiceover artist.
Currently, Karla is the Improv Director and Acting Instructor at Acting Out Studio in Charlotte, NC. She is also a faculty member and instructor with the Queen City Comedy’s Global Improv Project which connects improvisers worldwide.
Karla instructs students from England, Israel, India, Canada, Mexico, South Africa, the Philippines and beyond. In addition, she has been a guest instructor at the Vintage Improv Festival, Highwire Improv, The Nursery, Liverpool Comedy Improv and the Bangalore India Improv Community.
For more info on Karla’s work please visit:
Karla is offering 4 scholarship places on this for people that feel that they would benefit from it. If you would like to apply for a scholarship place please email for information.
This workshop is part of the Extreme Improv XStreamed World Championship Festival 2021, and there are many more workshops and events taking place in the festival. For full details and schedule of the festival please check out
Work That Object with Elke Reid
Wednesday August 4th 5pm UK Time
Tickets: £10
Objectwork is a key element of improv that improvisers need in their toolbox. Many improvisers tend to overlook how important the incorporation of objectwork in their scenes are. This workshop will help you use objectwork to make your scenes better and more fleshed out.
About Elke:
Hello, my name is Elke Reid and I’ve been doing improv for 9+ years. I’ve been and am currently on several indie improv teams who have had runs at The People’s Improv Theater (The PIT) in New York City and performed in the Del Close Marathon. And I’ve also been apart of and taught at several improv and sketch festivals on both coasts of the US.
Currently I teach drama to elementary school students. And I do private coaching for indie sketch and improv teams.
It all comes down to the simple fact that, I love improv. It’s “freestyle acting” and I enjoy the challenge of performing without a script or knowledge of what’s to come. I’m such an improv nerd.
This workshop is part of the Extreme Improv XStreamed World Championship Festival 2021, and there are many more workshops and events taking place in the festival. For full details and schedule of the festival please check out
This workshops will take place on a private Zoom call, and once you have booked your place participants will be emailed details with the Zoom link. This email will come via Ticketsource on the day of the workshop.

FREE All You Can Beat with Nora Jenewein
“Is it a drumming workshop, a fitness class, a mindful way to let off steam or an excuse to beat that thing? YES!” …and, because it’s All you can Beat, you don’t even need a drum: bring a practice pad, a cushion, a flower pot, your legs. Sticks, cooking spoons, your hands.
This Free 40 minute workshop is part of the Extreme Improv XStreamed World Championship Festival 2021, and there are many more workshops and events taking place in the festival. For full details and schedule of the festival please check out