Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship: The Mafia Upset The Jesters

Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship: The Mafia Upset The Jesters

In the forth exciting Quarter Final round of the Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship, the Mafia Team settled the score from the previous tournament by picking up the victory over the the current champions, the Jesters.

This result meant that not only were the Mafia able to defeat the champs, but they also avenged their loss to the Jesters from the Semi Final round of the first Team Championship held in November 2020.

With the Jesters out of the tournament, it means there will definitely be new Team Champions in the 2022 event.

As a point of trivia, here are the current life time records for all teams:

TeamPlayedWonLost Draw
Jesters (C)5410
Vampire Penguins4310
Biscuit Patrol3210
Geek Squadron3210
Cuddly Koalas2020
Werewolves 2110
Red Jets1010
Random Tardigrades1010
Exploding Fish1010
Time Travelling Midwives1010
Mecha Dolphins1010
Out of Season Pumpkins1010
Karate Crabs0000
Cannibal Rats0000
Flat Earthers0000
Sperm Whale Jacks0000
Guaranteed Winners0000
Shawshank Squirrels0000
Turkey Vultures0000
Defective Boomerangs0000

Don’t forget that you can see all the shows on the Extreme Improv YouTube Channel. The next Team Championship shows will take place on Tuesday when the Unicorns take on the Watermelons at 8pm UK Time. This will be after the return of the Elke and Assadie show at 6pm UK time.

For now, you can see tonight’s show here:

YouTube player

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