Extreme Improv XStreamed Team Championship 2 Dated For January 2022

Extreme Improv XStreamed Team Championship 2 Dated For January 2022

The Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship has gotten a new date and a new name!

Following it’s announcement at the end of the Extreme Improv Xstreamed World Championship in July 2021, things have been quiet on further announcements for the second ever Team Championship event. This has been due to a combination of factors including a focus towards the return of Extreme Improv Live shows.

Well now it’s time to start getting ready for the next Team Championships, which will now take place in January 2022, and will officially be called:

The Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship 2

The new numbering system is to give the events the feeling of a grander event like how the Superbowl or WrestleMania sporting events are numbered.

The move of the event from November to January allows more time to make the event the best it can be and will allow the Team Championships to be more evenly spread apart from the Extreme Improv Xstreamed World Championship which has taken place in August in 2020 and July in 2021. This means there will be a shorter gap between the World and Team Championships going forwards, and will also allow space between for other special events we have in the works.

Also with the event now scheduled for January it will give everyone something to look forward to after Christmas and help keep everyone entertained during the traditionally colder and darker month of January.

Applications for the Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship 2 will open in early November 2021. Keep your eyes on the Xstreamed.tv website and Extreme Improv Xstreamed social media channels for updates!

The Extreme Improv Xstreamed Team Championship 2 will be an online virtual festival where players from all over the world are welcomed to join Extreme Improv Teams and compete in friendly improv competitions. There will be a multi team tournament and there will also be guest shows and other events online as part of the festival.

People will be able to watch all the events on the Extreme Improv Xstreamed YouTube Channel.

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