Evercade Reknum Souls Adventure Review Indie Heroes Collection 2

Evercade Reknum Souls Adventure Review Indie Heroes Collection 2

A game Evercade users can look forward to as part of the Indie Heroes Collection 2 is Reknum Souls Adventure. The game was released as a free download as part of the Evercade’s Game of the Month programme, and is a Zelda like game that also has Metroid ish qualities too. In fact it’s kinda like Zelda 2 on the NES.

It’s a fun game and is actually part of a much bigger series where there are games available on all kinds of platforms, so this one is a fun edition in the franchise that was made for the NES and also released to play on PC. It’s certainly a great addition to the Indie Heroes Collection 2 cart, and will scratch that Zelda itch, but don’t expect it to be a Zelda beater.

You can check out our full review video here from the Geek Battle Gaming YouTube channel

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The game features people you can go up to and speak to for information, although most of these you can skip speaking to without worry. You play as Cheri, who is an Elf princess and you’ll be mainly working your way through an overworld that has a top down perspective and then jump into a dungeon where things become more like a side scroller – so all very Zelda 2 like.

There are items you can get along the way and these are all weapons, which once got completely replace the usefullness of the previous one. You do need a couple for very light puzzles, but this is not a puzzle heavy game. There is a lost woods style maze, but beyond this it is mostly about gettingthrough the dungeons and battling enemies along the way.


This si a fun game which if you get the chance to play as part of the Indie Heroes Collection 2 on Evercade I’m sure you will have a good time. The game is also avaialble on NES and PC, and if you’re eager to have another game to play on real NES hardware you can certainly do worse. It’s not a huge game, but it’s a fun one.

Rating: 3.5 out of 5.

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