Apply and Submit a Show to the Virtually Unstoppable Theatre Festival

Apply and Submit a Show to the Virtually Unstoppable Theatre Festival

Applications are now open to submit a show or apply as an individual performer for the upcoming Virtually Unstoppable Theatre Festival from EXtreme Improv XStreamed.

Taking place from Saturday October 8th-Saturday October 15th the festival will feature a mix of different types of theatre and welcomes submissions of plays, sketch shows, improv, play readings, musicals, stand-up comedy, short films, puppet shows, podcasts and more!

If you work with a theatre company and would like to submit a show, we invite you to do so on the Applications Page

The schedule for the festival including guest shows and shows created by the Extreme Improv Xstreamed team will be announced in the coming days.

All the shows will stream live on the Extreme Improv XStreamed YouTube and other social media channels. Don’t forget to smash that red subscribe button to make sure you never miss a show!