Announcing XStreamed Achievements!

Announcing XStreamed Achievements!

We’re super excited to introduce our viewers and performers to our latest innovation…XStreamed Achievements!

Following last week’s announcement that you could now search through any of our videos of past shows by individual performer, we’re now adding to those performer pages with these innovative Xstreamed Achievement badges which show a score card of the various achievements each performer has completed with Extreme Improv Xstreamed.

You can check them out now by heading over to any of the individual performer pages on our free Extreme Improv Plus video section.

You can also see the full list of Achievements currently available by going to the XStreamed Achievements page.

These achievements take their inspiration from video game achievements/trophies and are earned by completing various criteria such as performing on various shows, or specific numbers of shows, or winning on shows. There are even XStreamed Achievements for being part of an XStreamed Team during the Team Championships.

These are just a new fun way for performers and audience members to keep track of their favourite performers and see some cool stats.

As this feature is brand new, it will develop within time, and there will be quirky new achievements coming soon which can be earned during shows such as hitting a Xstremely Cringey Joke or Having XStreame Internet Lag during online shows.

XStreamed Achievements for performing in Live Extreme Improv shows are already there, and as Live Shows will soon be coming back there will be new opportunities to earn XStreamed Achievements by completing goals on stage as well as on line!

Lastly for now, there will also be Achievements in the future that can be earned by winning the Joke of the Day on the website/social media and for contributing articles to the website which is a feature planned for the near future.

This is a really exciting new innovation and we hope both performers and audience will enjoy checking out all of the XStreamed Achievement badges earned by the XStreamed players so far!

Again, you can check out what XStreamed Achievements performers have already unlocked by heading over to any of the individual performer pages and you can also see the full list of Achievements currently available by going to the XStreamed Achievements page.